2000 5.7 L Volvo Fuel Trouble


Aug 8, 2009
I have seen several others with my same problem but not seen what was found to be the solution.

Engine starts/runs great for most of the day. After sitting an ~1 hour I start up like normal and get on plane only to have engine shutdown from no gas. It is like I run the fuel from the bowl and there is no more. It takes forever to restart and I am having to carry a seperate supply of gas to squirt in carb to get the fuel going again. If I cheat it with squirts of gas in the carb for about 10-15 seconds, the engine picks up fuel from the tank and runs perfect.

I have removed the carb bowl and cleaned it, replaced the fuel pump and the fuel filter. I understand the battery runs the pump while starting and the alternator takes over after the engine is running. If the alternator feed was the problem wouldn't the engine restart when pump is powered by battery during restart?

Thanks in advance!

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Re: 2000 5.7 L Volvo Fuel Trouble

I have seen several others with my same problem but not seen what was found to be the solution.

Engine starts/runs great for most of the day. After sitting an ~1 hour I start up like normal and get on plane only to have engine shutdown from no gas. It is like I run the fuel from the bowl and there is no more. It takes forever to restart and I am having to carry a seperate supply of gas to squirt in carb to get the fuel going again. If I cheat it with squirts of gas in the carb for about 10-15 seconds, the engine picks up fuel from the tank and runs perfect.

I have removed the carb bowl and cleaned it, replaced the fuel pump and the fuel filter. I understand the battery runs the pump while starting and the alternator takes over after the engine is running. If the alternator feed was the problem wouldn't the engine restart when pump is powered by battery during restart?

Thanks in advance!
You might want to buy a infared temp reader gun, http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=96451. And see what the temp is on the fuel pump at it's hottes point, And also see what the temp is under the engine hatch, It should not get over 176 degrees under the engine hatch. Just curious do you always use the same gas at the same store, Or do you varry the fuel used? Also I am not saying you have fuel vapor locking going on But you might want to read this so you understand it a little better and some things in here you could try to help solve some of it on hot days.http://www.boatfix.com/merc/Bullet/99/99_07.pdf. You still could have a blockage some where in the fuel system also, And one guy had a brand new fuel pump from volvo running varry hot, And he put a newer one on and it ran cooler/ better.


Aug 8, 2009
Re: 2000 5.7 L Volvo Fuel Trouble

Thanks. That is a great article and vapor locking sounds like what I am dealing with. I'll take some temperature readings next time out.


Aug 8, 2009
Re: 2000 5.7 L Volvo Fuel Trouble

Where is the anti-syphon valve located? Is it in the tank?

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Re: 2000 5.7 L Volvo Fuel Trouble

Where is the anti-syphon valve located? Is it in the tank?
The anti-syphon valve is the hose barb fitting that you would hook the fuel hose up to right at the gas tank.


Aug 8, 2009
Re: 2000 5.7 L Volvo Fuel Trouble

What is the purpose of the anti syphon valve? What is the risk if I remove it all together?


Aug 8, 2009
Re: 2000 5.7 L Volvo Fuel Trouble

I think I have taken care of my problem. After reading the link above, I routed my fuel line so none of it is below the top of the tank. Pretty easy since only about the first 6" out of the tank was all that I had to move. I then removed the anti-syphon valve and now run unobstructed from the tank to the fuel filter. Seemed to do the trick but a few more trips out will verify. Thanks for the help!
