Re: 200 ocean runner
Heat switches, installed in each cylinder head, are in series with a "HOT" warning horn in the remote control box. Should an irregularity develop in the cooling system and cause abnormal water jacket temperatures, the switches close the warning circuit. A switch may be checked by submerging it in hot oil Using a test light to check the contacts and a thermometer to check oil temp., the contacts should close at a temp of 211 F + or - 6 and open at 175 deg F plus or minus 7. The t stats can be tested in the same manner, by submerging them in boiling water or oil with a thermometer, they should open at 145.
To remove switches for testing, pull back insulating sleeves and open knife terminal connections. Remove cylinder head covers and switches. On installation, clean gasket surfaces thoroughly. Apply gasket sealing compound lightly to both gasket surfaces. Also apply the same sealing compound to top surface of heat switch grommet and again after cover has been installed. Install cylinder head cover using a new gasket. Reconnect heat switch leads and slide insulating sleeves over connections