200 johnson GT alarm


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 16, 2002
Went for a ride today with my brother and his newly rebuilt 1990 200 johnson and was running fine for about 30 minutes or so and then the alarm went off and slowed the motor down. We were running at about 3/4 throttle for about five minutes before this happened. The oil injection has been disconnected so know this wasn't the problem. The water teltale was running water but not at high presure, (I don't know how much pressure should be coming out), but when pulling the engine cover to check things out you could lay your hands on the heads so don't think it was over heating. The impellar was suppose to be new also, but I don't know what else could cause the alarm to go off.


Rear Admiral
Jul 9, 2001
Re: 200 johnson GT alarm

If the rpms cut back to about 2500 rpms, it may have overheated and set S.L.O.W., and 3/4 throttle for 5 minutes is a little much for rebuild for the first 10 hours. Did rebuilder install upgraded thermostats, and complete OEM waterpump kit, the stats, stats seats and pump has changed over the years.

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: 200 johnson GT alarm

John..... The warnings are as follows:<br /><br />Beep constant & steady = Overheating or Fuel Restriction.<br /><br />Beep every 20 seconds = Oil level down to 1/4 tank.<br /><br />Beep every other second = VRO failure or Oil Restriction.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 16, 2002
Re: 200 johnson GT alarm

this was a constant alarm so guess that means it was overheating so will dig farther into this . Everything should have been new so will check again and make sure.. Thanks for the info

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: 200 johnson GT alarm

John.... Since you could lay your hands directly on the cylinder heads and not leave any skin there, do not rule out a fuel restriction which would cause that steady beep. Check the built in tank fitting right where the fuel hose attaches. If that's a anti siphon valve (aluminum fitting about 2" long), remove it to see if it contains a Ball, Spring, & Seat. If so, knock those items out of it, converting it to a straight through fitting, then reinstall it. Those things are notorious for sticking and causing fuel restrictions.