posted February 26, 2005 12:01 PM <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Two-stroke verus four-stroke....the short answer is a four-stroke, in a perfect world, should last longer. In the real world....thinking in terms of maintainance, enviroment, and my personal dislike for four-strokes....they are probably equal in terms of how long they will last before they become "worn out" "Worn out" meaning wearing out of spec in regards to powerhead components.<br /><br />--------------------<br />ELVIN<br />AVALONPROGROUP<br /><br />Elvin, I copied and pasted your last response on the TLDI service life thread. Without beating a dead horse, do you care to go into detail as to why "in a perfect world" a four stroke would last longer than a 2 stroke? Assuming adequate cooling and oiling, what are the factors that would cause a 2 stroke to wear to the point of low compression sooner than a 4s? All that I can figure, with my limited mechanical knowledge, is that the 2 stroke rings must flow over the intake and exhaust ports every time up and down the cylinder maybe casuing them to wear sooner in the section of the ring that passes over the port. Am I close? Interesting subject for the dead of winter.