2 Stroke doesnt smoke

Fish Head

Feb 6, 2002
2 Stroke doesnt smoke

I have a 1989 Mercury 100hp Outboard with a gravity fed oil injection system.<br />This is my first oil injected motor,it doesnt smoke like previous 2 strokes I have owned which required mixing the fuel and oil together manually. I know it is using oil because I need to add oil to the resevoir. Im just nervous because as a 2 cycle outboard owner I take comfort in seeing a small cloud of smoke behind the motor. Does an oil injector give a more precise mix of oil than manually mixed fuel? Is that why my motor does not smoke, because it is more precise in maintaining the proper balance of oil to fuel ratio. Can the oil injection system be adjusted to run richer,if so do I need to have it checked out? The motor runs great the way it is, I just dont want to blow it. Should I have it taken off and go back to manually mixing?<br />Thanks for the help


Re: 2 Stroke doesnt smoke

Re: 2 Stroke doesnt smoke

Fish Head,<br /><br />You are correct sir, the oil injection system only injects enough oil to satisfy the engine depending on load. This is a good thing.<br /><br />You probably have a warning horn to let you know if it is not oiling. As long as it is using it-don't worry.


Jun 15, 2002
Re: 2 Stroke doesnt smoke

Re: 2 Stroke doesnt smoke

Fish head. A properly tuned 2 stroke should not smoke unless its cold. <br /><br />If you want to make sure your not cooking your engine, take it on a lake go full throttle for 2 mins then pull a plug. If it is light brown to dark oily then your fine. If it is really light or white get it serviced because yes you can adjust the oil pump to make it run richer or leaner.