#2 out CDI not firing yamaha 115


May 12, 2003
1987 Yamaha 115. The number 2 cylinder is not firing some times. It is intermittant. Replaced the CDI and still have the problem. The resistance of the trigger coils checks out as well as the charger coils. These coils checked ok while having no spark on the #2 plug. I swapped the output wires from the CDI to the coils and the problem followed the CDI. Luckly I have twins. I moved the CDI to the port engine and it seemed to follow but I did't do a good check so I don't know for sure. I'm going to swap the stater next and then maybe the flywheel.


May 12, 2003
Re: #2 out CDI not firing yamaha 115

Continued: I swapped the CDI with the other engine and they both worked fine. I thought it was the CDI, I replaced it but the problem came back. Of course it came back before a 70 mile trip to bimini. It cleared up in a hour and I went on the trip. It kept hinting that I was going to have a hull speed trip home but I made it back. Now, its back. It comes and goes. It may be temp related I dont have enough info to know yet. Like I said I have twins I hate to do it but I'm going to pull the fly wheel and start swapping. Has any one had this problem?


May 12, 2003
Re: #2 out CDI not firing yamaha 115

Seem to be the CDI. I had two that went bad. That's $700 in parts! It was intermittant and those can drive you nuts. I can hit it on the side with a wrench and it will work for a while. I verified the fix also by swapping it with the other motor. What is it with these things. Strange that the two CDI would have the same cyclinder go out and have the same temp fix of hitting it on the side. The new one works fine.