1st splash in 1 year, 5 months


Jun 30, 2004
boat in sig.
last winterized in late oct. '14. winterized pretty much by the book (service manual #2).
stored dry, empty block and manifold. oil chg. every thing greased. [drive impeller replaced, pressure test done](early 2015). alignment checked prior to this years drive replacement. stored full of fuel, but siphoned it off last summer to empty. new fuel this year.
summerization this year. full tank of fresh fuel. points, cond. plugs, rotor. ign. set to spec.w/ dwell meter and timing light. new batt. replacing a five year old batt. with what appeared to be one dead cell. all trailer bolts tightened, rollers on roller trailer lubed, lights work (after a hosein).
biggest concern is bellows. their 9 years old. maybe 8. whatever, older. but oem. anyways. they appear intact. no rubber deterioration that i can see. always stored down. 1st thing i'll look for is water intrusion after splash off trailer.

anything i missed prior to a splash tomorrow. gonna be a nice day, 80*ish. but high winds. 25 + or -. sustained. it'll be white caps w/ short duration. if it fails. i'll be hosed for sure unless someone helps me out (in).
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Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Some ice and beer, Zig. :D

Have a great time and hope the winds drop a little.


Jun 30, 2004
thanks GA.
and hope the winds drop a little.
ya, me too. but here in Nebraska. it seems the winds are always blowing. rarely do i go boating w/o having to take into consideration wind direction and speed and how it will affect me . i will say. i'd rather deal with 30mph sustained winds from what ever direction (at least they're consistent), than mid july boat wakes from 25'-30' boats coming at me (just below plane off course, :grumpy:) from every which direction. my port is a 2K sq acre lake. branched oak lake, raymond, ne.
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