1999 Nissan NS18E2 Idle Problems

Jon Boat Jim

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 19, 2011
I'm having difficulty getting a smooth running idle setting. I'm about 1 3/4 turns out on the idle jet and running about 1500-1700 rpm (Hardline Tach) in neutral. When I pop it in gear, its a rather rough running 1200-1400 rpm. If I adjust the neutral idle rpm down, the motor dies when popped into gear.

I removed the idle jet and pushed a wire through the orifice and then sprayed some carburetor cleaner through it. I then ran a 3/4 gal gas + oil mix with a can of Seafoam through the engine while mostly running at idle speed. None of this seemed to help get the idle RPMs down or smooth out the idle.

I'm wondering if the 10 inch pitch prop that I have on the engine might be part or all of the problem.

Can anybody offer some comments and help?


Apr 20, 2008
Re: 1999 Nissan NS18E2 Idle Problems

Clean the carburetor properly. Never poke anything through any passages.

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Re: 1999 Nissan NS18E2 Idle Problems

Tiny & Harline induction tachs have erratic readings on 2 strokes engines, nearly impossible to adjust to factory specs to achieve undisturbed readings, +, - 100/150 idle rpm difference is normal, fine/accurate at any other throttle readings at gear & load.

Adjust idle screw just enough so engine doesn't die when at gear from neutral, no matter what readings is shown on tach at idle. Perform a good carb clean as recommended by Paul.

Happy Boating