Two years ago I pulled the heads and water gaskets off, cleaned them and put them back on with new gaskets. It appears that I'm getting a fair amount of leakage now so I'm going to do it again. This time I'll check for head warpage which I didn't do last time. First question is on the torques. According to my manual, when replacing each, I need to torque the bolts twice. For the head it says 11 ft-lbs and then 22 ft-lbs. For the water jacket it says 35 in-lb and then 70 in-lbs. The torques that are stamped on the head and jacket say 3.0 kg and 0.8 kg which work out to 22 and 6 ft lbs, correct? Those are both pretty light but I'll do it again. Any suggestion on a torque wrench that does in-lbs?
Also I noticed that I'm also getting some seepage around the bottom of the block. Any suggestions on that?
Also, no gasket sealer, correct?
Also I noticed that I'm also getting some seepage around the bottom of the block. Any suggestions on that?
Also, no gasket sealer, correct?