I hope someone can help me, I am about fed up with this boat. I have purchased a new (not Rebuilt) 3.0L Vovlo Penta replacement engine for my 98 Glastron. I completed the first period of break in including setting the base timing to 2 degrees atdc and checked the advance which appears to be around 15 degrees btdc at 1000 rpms. Everything was fine including the idle. The Manufacturer recommends 1 hour varying rpms up to 2000 rpms. Once I went to stage two which is 1 hour up to 3000 rpms, I hit 2200 on the tach and the engine acted like it was about to die. If I give it more throttle it will kick in and get the engine up to 3000 rpms but in that range the engine runs really bad. I have checked the float level and that is good, I have also checked the accelerator pump and that seems fine(the carburetor was rebuilt last year with another issue and mistake on my part). This only happens under load. Also when I installed the new motor I did remove the outdrive (SX) and aligned the engine, which was way off and I think I got it aligned but it was still a little tight getting the alignment tool in and out plus it was a real pain putting the drive back in. Does anyone have an idea what could be the problem? I think I have tried near everything.....Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.