(1998) 115 Yamaha Saltwater Series Experts (2-Stroke) - Engine Bogs Out Under Load


Jun 23, 2021
Hey guys, I have a late 90s 115 HP Yamaha Saltwater Series 2-Stroke that is having issues under load.

The motor starts up fine, idles real well, and can be reved in neutral as well.

The issues is that when it is put under load and I try to get past a certain mid-range rpm, the engine starts bogging out. The issue can be remedied by engaging the choke and it will get past that point. Besides that mid-rpm issue (where it feels like the engine isn't getting enough fuel), the engine runs great in all other RPM ranges.

Fixes that were done so far:
1. New fuel lines
2. New fuel pump
3. New fuel filter
4. Carburetor has been taken out and cleaned through a sonic cleaner machine
5. Typical 300 hour maintenance (water pump, thermostat, gaskets, spark plugs etc)
6. Spark plugs were tested for power and they seem fine.
7. Checked compression and it was good.
8. Fuel/air mixture adjusted and runs well on that

Future testing procedures I will do:
1. Run it again on spare tank
2. Try seafoam in spare tank
3. Check if bulb stays hard during engine running

Do you guys have any advice on what it may be?
