i'm betting there is cylinder damage but i've been wrong many times. Anybody wanna take my bet? What say we start a pool:
Motor is toast 3:1 odds
head is toast: 25:1 odds
he has toast for breakfast: 1:1
he takes head off and drops it on his foot 60:1
drops head on pinkie while lifting it off 15:1
starts working on it after 4 beers 10:1
throws a wrench and it hits dashboard smashing 2 gauges, bouncing off and hitting him in the head knocking him unconscious and he wakes up the following morning late for work 100:1
wife says she spent all the money on shoes so no more boat stuff 35:1
wife leaves him after he throws a wrench at her 1:1
his kid repeats all the stuff he heard and is sent home from school 2:1
he decides to wash his dirty boat work clothes in the washing machine leaving oil spots in it and wife ruins her favorite clothes washing them (hey i've done this one) 5:1
junks boat 50:1
I'm betting there is cylinder damage but I've been wrong many times. Anybody wanna take my bet? What say we start a pool:
Motor is toast 3:1 odds
Head is toast: 25:1 odds
He has toast for breakfast: 1:1
He takes head off and drops it on his foot 60:1
Drops head on pinkie while lifting it off 15:1
Starts working on it after 4 beers 10:1
Throws a wrench and it hits dashboard smashing 2 gauges, bouncing off and hitting him in the head knocking him unconscious and he wakes up the following morning late for work 100:1
Wife says she spent all the money on shoes so no more boat stuff 35:1
Wife leaves him after he throws a wrench at her 1:1
His kid repeats all the stuff he heard and is sent home from school 2:1
He decides to wash his dirty boat work clothes in the washing machine leaving oil spots in it and wife ruins her favorite clothes washing them (hey I've done this one) 5:1
Junks boat 50:1