I've just fitted a 1987 Honda 9.9 to my 16ft cruiser (for inland UK use with speed limits).<br />I gave it a service (oil, leg oil, plugs etc.), and it runs really well, I don't think it's had a lot of use).<br />The slight problem is that although it runs lovely and quietly and smoothly at tickover and above 3000 rpm, when used at 1500-2500 in gear, there are slight extra random sporadic resonance/vibration/noises (that irritate me !)<br />I noticed when fitting the engine that when tilting it, you can actually get the engine to 'clonk' in it's upper rubber mounting bushes, i.e. although 'floating' normally, they can be pulled to metal to metal contact. They look OK externally and there appears to be no adjustment (just nylock nuts done up tight on the inner sleeves). Do they wear out ?<br /><br />Thanks in anticipation of the usual great responses I get from this forum, it's one of the main highlights of the web for me !