A little history. I've replaced the power pack, coil, rectifier, starter solenoid, cleaned and rebuilt the carbs (believe me they are clean as a whistle), replaced all of the gas with non-ethanol gas w/marine stabile, replaced the spark plugs and wires, and a few other odds and ends.
This motor runs fine except -
After tuning the carbs, setting the timing to factory specs, it still won't idle.
So instead of changing any of the settings I've simply adjusted the throttle cable out to get it to idle.
Is there anything wrong with this approach? It idles perfectly now and runs as it should. Or seems to.
Let me know if there's anything else I should have done or if this is somehow a bad approach. It's all I got right now.
This motor runs fine except -
After tuning the carbs, setting the timing to factory specs, it still won't idle.
So instead of changing any of the settings I've simply adjusted the throttle cable out to get it to idle.
Is there anything wrong with this approach? It idles perfectly now and runs as it should. Or seems to.
Let me know if there's anything else I should have done or if this is somehow a bad approach. It's all I got right now.