1997 130 Johnson not idling smoothly


Nov 14, 2009
I have been working on my 1997 130 HP johnson. This motor sat up for about 1 1/2 years before I got it. I had to drain the oil out of the carbs due to setting up so long. I also replaced the plugs and it fired right up with an occassional misfire/backfire. upon misfiring a big puff of blue smoke and burnt wet oil ejects from the exhaust. It is basically splattering oil all over my driveway.
I tried starting it about a week ago a it would not turn over. I checked the plugs and they were fouled. my first thought was a VRO problem. I thought about getting rid of the system altogether and going to manually mixing my oil and gas. I was advised to not give up on the VRO and check all fuel lines for air leaks and I did find a loose hose due to a bad clamp. I replaced the clamp and spark plugs and it fired right up again but continued to misfire with oil and blue smoke. It seems to me that the system is getting too much oil and fouling my plugs. I still question the VRO or maybe it's a timing issue. whatever it is, it is causing a misfire with smoke and oil. any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 1997 130 Johnson not idling smoothly

clean the carbs, new fuel. pump all lines clear off old petroleum.