1996 Evinrude 115 hp outboard- VRO?/carbs adj.? /fouled plug?

dinosaur hunter

Aug 7, 2016
Hi there, I have a 1996 115Hp Evinrude. Great engine but have developed a slight problem that has been getting progressively more frequent. Often now at start up most frequently it will run like it is missing a cylinder, like it has a fouled plug; or being over oiled; or too much fuel or something. After a good warm up I run it and all of a sudden the problem corrects itself and the engine goes to full power and runs beautifully for the rest of the day in most cases. The primer bulb at times is soft during this other times not...I seem to think cutting power and trimming the engine all the way up helps correct but I could just be hoping for that...I have changed fuel lines and plugs.... can anyone suggest a starting point? disconnect VRO and mix a tank and see? adjust carbs? ....thanks


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
Run with a timing light to see if perhaps you can find an issue with spark on one cylinder.


Rear Admiral
Jun 26, 2012
Check for warped carb bowls, check for leaking bar cover.

Remove silencer, tilt motor ever so slightly, just enough so carb throats have a slight downward tilt. Squeeze bulb till firm. Keep squeezing bulb after it gets firm, your not trying to crush it, just a good even pressure. Does bulb continue to depress? This may take a minute or three. Looks for fuel leaks.

The timing light suggestion is gold, do it.

Might also beg borrow or steal a spark checker that allows you to test all 4 leads at once. You look for spark to jump 7/16" and have a nice cadence, in that each hole fires at regular intervals. Below is a pic of the common tester that allows this . 20180501_143007-2268x3024.jpg