1996 DT85 has air in powre tilt and trim

Mar 27, 2007
Just got her back from the shop where they replaced the trim motor and the center ram. I think maybe they didn't bleed it because I can hear what sounds like air when it's on the up stroke. Down sounds perfect. I would like to know, how can I bleed this myself and also how to fill the reservoir, and what kind of fluid to put in it. Yesterday, I put the motor all the way up and it would not go back down. Finally, I loosened the screw on the side, and it leaked on down, I tried the power tilt again and it worked fine, other than the air squishing noise. Does that sound like my problem?

James R

Feb 1, 2007
Re: 1996 DT85 has air in powre tilt and trim

These units use ATF Dexron. The topping up position is when the motor is up.Put the motor in the up position, remove the fill plug on the side and fill untill the fluid dribles out of the fill hole. Put the plug back in and operate the system five or six times. Let the pump motor cool down and recheck the fluid level. If there is air in the system it will be noted on plug removal. Repeat untill satisfied.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 1996 DT85 has air in powre tilt and trim

The systems are "self bleeding". Just follow the instructions given by the above post and you will be fine.