1996 30hp Johnson Tiller to Remote Conversion


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 14, 2019
Hi all,

I recently picked up a well-preserved Johnson 30hp tiller from 1996. It has a tilt tube, and I wanted to know how feasible it would be to convert it to a remote steering and throttle. I have a wheel and steering control cable laying around, and the steering aspect of it of it seems easy enough.

What I get lost on is finding a kit for the throttle. To my layman mind, all that would be needed is a throttle cable and lever assembly. I don't want remote start. I wouldn't even mind not having remote shifting, as the shifter is on the front and easily accessible. Although if the only way to do it would be to have remote shifting I would do that.

Is there an "easy" to install kit to make this happen? THank you.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 14, 2019
Is that a teleflex cable for steering? I was wondering about the throttle control cable. And assuming this is feasible, can I get a lever control box and only use it for throttle, and not set up the gear control and remote start?