Hello All,<br />I have a 1995 Honda BF40 marine motor that has a very strange noise that I am unable to locate. The motor is a electric start but manual tilt and steering. When the engine is running just a little above an idle there appears to be a metallic scraping sound coming from the region of the flywheel. I have taken the flywheel off and checked for loose magnets, scraping , bad timing belt etc but everything is alright. I have also taken the idle-bearing off and checked that for wear but it is fine also. Both the crank and cam move freely with no binding or scraping when the belt is removed. Also the noise does not appear to be originating from from the top crank bearing or vacinity. I had 3 other people listen to this noise and we are all baffled. Any ideas?<br /><br />TIA, Serverman