Vitamin Sea
- Joined
- Nov 5, 2002
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my ocean Runner has been having a weird problem starting . It usaully starts fine everytime but last week after going out and sitting for about and hour it would start usually after it has been ran I usually dont have to choke the engine at all but this particual time it would start it just turned and turned but no start I pulled a plug to see if plugs were firing and they were they did not seem to be that wet though so I re-installed plugs and set for a minute or two and after trying a few extra times it fired up smoked pretty heavy for a minute but thats not uncommon for me so we proceeded in got it back to my home and treid it it cranked up on a dime everytime I thought this was just afreak incident so I thought nothing of it so the next day back to the ramp when I went to start it it would not fire I usually dont have to choke it much at all and proceeded to do it that way but it wouldn't fire not a wimper so I decided to set for a minute. Pulled of the carb cover thinking it might be flooded but I didn't smell much gas at all. After sitting aboput 10 minutes it gave a short burst as if it wanted to start I advance the throttle an hit it again cranked and it fired once started Ihit the primer slihghtly so that it would stall and it seemed to run fie ran that day to see what happens started and stop about 4-5 times until it started the same thing again on the last start it had set for about an hour before I re-treid it but this time it would not fire at all had to get a friend to tow us in .<br />what copuld it be do VRO pumps intermittenly have problems from time to time or could My primer system be causing a probem what should I be looking for <br />all new plugs fuel filter fuel water separator power pack replace stator and regulatorreplaced about 1 year ago<br />Please help or suggestions