1994 Johnson 90 will not stay on


Jul 29, 2003
This weekend I took my boat out fishing and it ran perfectly for most of the day. On one of my last stops, my motor cut off as I slowed down to idle. Thinking I ran out of gas, I changed tanks. I then started the motor and moved a few yards at low speed and it cut off again. I fished for a few minutes, but decided to head in because I did not feel comfortable with what the motor was doing. I started the motor and it worked at high speeds back to the harbor. When I got to the no wake area, I slowed her down and it cut off again. I could not get the motor to start up again, and drifted towards the land. My battery eventualy died as I tried repeadedly to start her up. The motor would start for about ten seconds at a time but would stall. Can anyone tell me what might be wrong? Thanks in advance.


Jun 29, 2003
Re: 1994 Johnson 90 will not stay on

Sounds like fuel idle circut problems....Maybe some trash or grit has got into the idle jets.<br />Might be time for a carb cleaning...... :)