Any help appreciated, I've tried everything I can think of at least once. Appears to be fuel starvation when powering up from idle ( intermittent). Sometimes runs ok, sometimes requires finesse with throttle to get to plane, sometimes will only get to 3500 rpm and starves when more throttle applied. I've checked carbs, jets, needle and seats, all like new. Swapped entire fuel tank, line and bulb, even though bulbs stays fully pumped. Installed new fitting on motor (fuel), new plugs even though missing wasn't apparent, checked all fuel lines to pump, carbs, filter, (cleaned), replaced both diaphrams in pump. No missing, backfires or the like, no indication of overheating, etc. Fresh new fuel. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, John PS Winning advice gets a free ultralight aircraft demo flight lesson in Georgetown, SC, lol