My 94 twin 4.3 engine Carver will run fine at first with no problems at full throttle. If we cruise for a while 10-15 min at 1200 rpm and then try to power up the starboard motor won't go above about 2000 to 2400 rpm. If I push it above that it will almost die until I back the throttle off and then I can get it up to low 2000's again. We smell gas when this is happening. If we stop for 10 15 minutes motors off, it will run fine again. I looked at the choke and it is wide open. It runs fine at the low 2000's but won't go above that. I can see the tach bouncing around when it is stumbling. I see it has electric fuel pumps. I don't know if its fuel or ignition. Because we get a strong fuel odor, I would think some kind of heat related ignition problem? I just don't know. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks much. Terry.