I have a Suzuki 1993 DT 200. The trouble arises between 1200 and 1800 RPM, after running for about 45 minutes the problem arises. The motor will bog and stall in the 1200 to 1800 rpm range. The motor will run fine at idle or above 2000 but if you accelerate slow or try to troll the motor boggs and stalls. The engine is hard to start after the stall and has to be choked again.<br /><br />I posted this topic earlier and some responses were the small jets on the carbs could be clogged and not letting fuel in. Also another writer posted that the magnets could have accumulated metal shavings created by the starter causing interference with the ignition. <br /><br />I have had the carbs rebuilt and adjusted the throttle position sensor (TPS) was also changed. Several mechanics through myself and the previous owner have trouble shot to dead ends. I thought the TPS would solve this problem since I have seen similar posts that were solved by changing the tps. But not this one!<br /><br />The problem is the boat runs fine for about 30-45 minutes so the problem is not evident at first. After this warmup period the problems seem to arise. <br /><br />My current mechanic is trying to get answers from the Suzuki rep which pointed him to the TPS. He mentioned boring out the jet holes to allow more fuel and mentioned several other reasons which seemed a little far fetched. Hopefully someone else has heard of this. Since I have spent like 1700 and the problem isn't going away.