1993 Force 40hp Heavy steering


Aug 28, 2008
Hi everyone,

First of all i dont know the words of certain parts on a outboard motor. Sorry

My first time owning a Force outboard. I am having this problem with the steering. It is pretty heavy to the point that i have to use to hand to steer it. Just for it to move is what i mean. I have grease up the steering unit and also the part where it move left right on the motor. Its a little better now. But its still heavy.

So then i spray wd40 on this part on the motor where it hold the engine so that it can move left and right, It was getting better. I left for couple of hours then came back, Its heavy again. Any idea or suggestions? thanks for your help,

Also how are force motors? Good, ok, Not that great?

BTW, this might be a stupid question, Do i really need a thermostat? or can i just remove it?


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: 1993 Force 40hp Heavy steering

Keep the thermostat unless you are running in south Florida.

Disconnect the steering cable from the motor. Make sure the cable moves freely and easily when you turn the wheel.

If not, replace the cable.

Try to push the motor from side to side by hand. Likely the grease in the kingpin is hard and dry.
You need to get the old grease out, and new marine grade grease in.
use PB Blaster or liquid wrench to dissolve the grease, instead of wd40.

Apply pbblaster, add grease, work the motor back and forth, a little heat will help - but don't start a fire.

It will take time. Even after you have it moving, you should keep spraying it and greasing it, every few days - for a month - or until you think you have all the old grease out.