1993 Evinrude 175 leaking oil out the carb??

Fishin with buds

Seaman Apprentice
Apr 13, 2007
Greetings:) , i am new here and hope i can supply some helpful info in the future to those in need. Current boat is a 22 Outrage CC with a 175 Evinrude. also have experience with inflatables(good and bad experience:eek: ), small outboards, and the ever mighty double ender with the engine in the middle:confused: (ill put a pic up if you guys want a laugh, but keep in mind, i bought it when i was 16). live in san diego and have experience in Mexico for those who are interested.

However, right now i am going to ask for a little help. After i run all day, get home, flush engine with water and run the fuel out of the carbs by shutting of the fuel at a inline valve in the fuel line to the engine(mounted before the fuel filter/water seperator) put the engine up on the crutch(probably 30 degrees tilt from vertical) and walk away. so i have been returning, sometimes a few days, sometimes the next and there is always oil dripping from the lowest corner of the cowling onto the inside of the transom. more time= more oil leakage. for a while i just figured maybe there was a little extra oil in the cowling(?) that needed to get out, but i took the air filter off yesterday and straight oil was leaking out of the carbs?!?

so my guess is that there is some oil left in the oil injection system(or ?) and when i tilt the engine, this oil runs into the cylinders and then out through the carbs due to the engine being stored on tilt(now that i am writing it, no i did not check if each carbs had oil, but at least four did).

so is this normal? any suggestions on where to start or ideas on what the issue is?

little additional info is that longer i store it, the harder it is to start(i mean 1 week vs. 1 day). makes me think that oil is going into the carbs and causing the problem, more time = more leaking. and even after running 75% for 20 minutes, shut off for a drift, and go to start again, it is kind of touchy and needs some attention to keep it going.

so, any help or suggestions would be appreciated.




Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: 1993 Evinrude 175 leaking oil out the carb??

First -- Welcome!! (Both posts)

Second -- As for running the motor out of gas -- STOP THAT!!! Your hard starting issue will likely clear itself up.

When you tilt it up the float level changes and yes, most likely you will get some fuel/oil out at least some of the carbs.

Look at your carb bodies. There is a small "BB" in the side of each one. It's likely you're getting some seeping out of that too. If so, let us know, we'll guide you thru fixing that.

Fishin with buds

Seaman Apprentice
Apr 13, 2007
Re: 1993 Evinrude 175 leaking oil out the carb??


Thanks for the welcome and the reply. So you dont recommend running the fuel out of the carbs? Now that i am thinking about it, we always did this when i was a kid and thats why i do it now, but all the engines we were doing it to were going into a long term storage. but i guess if it is sitting for no longer than a month at a time, this might not be necessary. I will definitely try that and tell you what happens.

I understand that the floats will be in a different location, but if i run the fuel out of the carbs, there really should not be a lot of fuel left in the resevoir to leak out?

I will check to see about the BB's and update.


Fishin with buds

Seaman Apprentice
Apr 13, 2007
Re: 1993 Evinrude 175 leaking oil out the carb?? updates, info and questions

Re: 1993 Evinrude 175 leaking oil out the carb?? updates, info and questions

OIL LEAK FROM CARB-well, i looked and the BB's dont seem to be leaking any oil, but there is a little oil around them, what i would call "oil residue" but does not look that substantial. so the oil still leaks out the carbs-i mean out the 2" diameter air flow passgae going into the carbs...so any ideas on that would be helpful. runs a little smokey, but nothing too rediculous.

FUEL FILTER/POSSIBLE AIR LEAK-After reading a lot of stuff here, i pulled the fuel filter/water sperator and found that the gasket was oversize from the seat by about 1/2" so i am thinking there was not a good seal there and there could have been an air leak which hopefully will eliminate the "stall when i punch it" issue and hopefully make starting a little easier. I use a Fram PS3808 fuel filter/water seperator just cause that is what the boat came with. my friend told me to get the Parker filter with the glass ball at the bottom that i can drain, if i keep changing this one, say every 50 hours, do i really need to spend gthe extra money for the fancy one?

SPARK PLUGS-Also pulled the plugs and it looks like they are worn about 1/8-1/6 of the thickness of the bent piece of metal(i would call it the electrode, but i am pretty sure that is the little post on the axis) but other than a little oil around the first few threads they look dull black. any ideas on when they need to be replaced?

SEA FOAM-ran some sea foam through the system. put two 16 oz(i think, its the size they sell em in) into about 30 gallons and it really cleaned up the idle and made it sound like a champ around 3000-4000 rpm. Furthermore, starting seems easier now after running and gunning, shutting down, turn it on and GO! which was cool cause if i was stalling in the school of yellows i was in last weekend, i would have been PISSED! When i pulled the plugs, it looked like there was some "small chunks" of carbon on top of the cylinders so i think i will try the suggested heavy decarbonizing procedure.

WOT SOUND- so the seafoam did clan up everything, but if i run it a WOT(5200)(which i dont really do, but it was flat and calm and i wanted to have a listen) it begins to skip a beat after a few seconds then begins to sound like there is a "fork in the garbage disposal" inside the engine, not that bad, but i hear a grinding, missing, sound that i dont like and it could just be a two stroke, but it runs so darn good around 3-4 i just dont want to believe it and hope it doesn't even matter.

Thanks for the info and advice, great site.