1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 27, 2007
Hi, first time posting.

I was winterizing my engine and after I sprayed fogging oil down each cylinder and put the plugs back in, I spun the flywheel a couple of times and realized I was spinning it backwards, clockwise. I realized it and then turned it a few times in the right direction, counter clockwise.

Just wondering if I could have damaged anything by doing this, like any bearings or anything or maybe the water pump?

It was only about 2 turns in the wrong direction, but it's been bothering me.



Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards


Nothing in the powerhead comes to mind but the water pump impeller may now be suspect.

If I were you you I'd go ahead and put it away and check the pump in the spring. Just don't forget.

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

The water pump impeller is rubber and flexible. Even if the impeller was installed in a backwards position, it would be changed/returned to the normal rotation position the instant the engine cranked over in the normal rotation. Don't give it a second thought.

When time permits, visit my store (copy/paste) at: stores.ebay.com/Evinrude-Johnson-Outboard-Parts-etc?refid=store


Vice Admiral
Jun 18, 2006
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

Um, I'm not familiar with that engine but I thought most engines turned clockwise when viewed from the top?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 27, 2007
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

Oh man, your right samo.

I couldn't remember which way the engine rotated so I spun the starter motor up clockwise so it would climb the bendix gear, so I could see how it would spin the flywheel and when it hit the flywheel it looked like the flywheel would turn counter clockwise, I figured that's how the starter worked when you hit the key, but now that I think about it, the starter gear spins the opposite way when you turn the key, so it would make the flywheel spin clockwise.

Damn!!! That's what I get for rushing! I had the guy coming to shrink wrap and was rushing to get it ready for him.

Now it's shrink wrapped over the whole engine and I can't get to it, and now I've gone and turned the impeller backwards and it's gonna have to sit like that for 3 months, unless I cut the shrinkwrap to get in, but that will be a mess.

Well I guess I am gonna have to plan on replacing my impeller in the Spring, I just did it this past Spring too. What a waste!!

I hate when I realize I messed up when it's too late.

Well thanks for clearing me up.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 17, 2007
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

Well I guess I am gonna have to plan on replacing my impeller in the Spring, I just did it this past Spring too. What a waste!!

I hate when I realize I messed up when it's too late.

Well thanks for clearing me up.

Not a waste at all......you should replace the impeller once a year regardless.

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

Mako..... As stated previously, don't be concerned about it.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

At 5500 RPM the fins will flip the correct direction on their own.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 27, 2007
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

Thanks Joe and Silvertip, so sitting in the wrong direction for 3 months won't do anything to the impeller, it will just flip right back around as soon as I start her up in the Spring, with no damage?

Well that's good to hear.

Thanks for the wisdom.

Cricket Too

Lieutenant Commander
May 14, 2003
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

Not a waste at all......you should replace the impeller once a year regardless.

I wouldn't say that, that is a little bit of overkill, every two years at the earliest, but every year is changing out a perfectly good impeller, unless of course you run up on a lot of sand bars or are always churning the bottom up and know you are putting extra wear and tear on your impeller, but even then you can probably get at least 2 seasons out of an impeller.

MakoNY, as was stated by Joe Reeves (one of the master's on this site) impeller's are made from pretty durable rubber, it will flip back as soon as you crank it, I would think if you put it in last Spring that it is still in pretty decent shape and pliable, so it should be OK, although I've never left one sitting in the wrong direction for that long, but I've done other bad things to them.

As far as the internal (bearing) question, you should be OK, I don't think anything will be hurt by slightly turning in the wrong direction.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

Im probably a bit too anal when it comes to maintainence, however I would rather be out in the driveway working on my boat then cleaning the house any day of the week ;) and if you're going to be changing a part, the impeller is definately 1 of the top items that can cause catastrophic consequences due to its failure. Every 2 years for me with regards to the impeller. 1 item I think the guidelines will have to change soon will be the overhaul of the carbs, especially with todays fuel the way it is. I can see a day when you will have to bath and rebuild them every year.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 27, 2007
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

Thanks Cricket and High Trim.

So it seems that the consensus is that my impeller should be ok as soon as it gets turned in the right direction, after sitting for 3 months in the wrong direction, right?

I was thinking of having the lower unit re-sealed in the spring anyway, which I assume would mean the water pump assembly would be removed, so I may just take it off myself before I take it to get re-sealed and see what it looks like.

What would I be looking for to see if it's damaged, see if any of the vains are cracked or anything? I guess they wouldn't be though, since the impeller doesn't care what direction it's sitting in, there's no reason it should be damaged, and when it cranks the right way it will just go in the direction of the force applied on it.

Thanks again for the help, this is a great site.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

i would crank it first, and then see if it is cracked.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 27, 2007
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

Thanks tashasdaddy, I guess I will have to wait until Spring to check it out.

Do you think that the impeller would be cracked just from sitting in the opposite direction? It's a pretty new impeller, I put it in about 6 months ago, and it's got about 40 hours or so on it.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

i would run it, but keep an eye on the stream.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

What tash is saying is to get the fins facing the correct direction before checking the condition of the impeller fins. The impeller doesnt care quite frankly which way it faces when new, but reversing it after sitting for a few months in the winter MAY crack it. For the price, I would just change it out anyways in the spring.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 1, 2006
Re: 1993 Evinrude 115 turned backwards

Dont worry til spring.If its been more than a yr.since impeller change,have it done just because you should.Or,run the engine and look at stream and listen for alarm,if nothing goes wrong in 15 min.your likely ok.