Hi Im new to these things and I just picked up a 1992 Seadoo Bombardier XP in running condition with a trailor for $350, But the problem I just relized with only having it less than a week, I think the Water lines that cycle through the motor are backwards, saposeabley the Seadoo was serviced about 2 months ago at Yamaha but, it consistantly would run fine is you have the hose adapter on it. But when you have it in the water after about 5-10 mins of runing time a sound occurs, which I figure is a Overheating warning, correct me if im wrong. So I think the water intake is either not hooked up correctly or is missmalfuntioning. Pleas help me figure this out, Im only 19 and this is a new thing for me to tinker with for my nephews to enjoy.
Thanks for your time
Thanks for your time