1992 Nissan 30hp Not expelling cooling water properly?


Apr 3, 2016
So i have had this motor 5 or 6 seasons and it has always been this way so im not thinking its a huge deal but who knows maybe i have just been lucky. When you start up the motor it does not really expel cooling water too well. i will use the word pee for brevity sake. when you start it up and let it idle the water just kind of spittles and sprays a little out of the motor nothing close to a stream. Even when you rev the rpm's a bit, the water comes out much better but its not a stream, like everybody elses motor lol, it is more of a gush. it seems to be a good amount of water coming out but like i said its irregular and in no way resembles a stream. I have changed out the impeller (old one looked good) i examined the cup (looked good) and replaced the waterpump gasket as well and same results?

Im thinking maybe something is partially blocked or something has broken off that is supposed to channel the water better. Just looking for things to try or a way tor troubleshoot it?

Thank you in advance for any and all help.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
First thing I would do is run some weed whacker line up the tell-tell port while on the muffs. Bugs and other debris can block or partially block the hose.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
I re-read your post. How is the stream on the water?

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Assume it's a 2 stroke motor run in salt water ? If so, remove the rubber hose located at left lower powerhead, insert the red cannula of a WD-40 or Carb Clean can and spray an overdose of product inside protruding metal tube, let soak for some minutes. Poke the cannula back and forth several times to clear the clog if any. Connect peeing hose back to lower powerhead and clean same the outter plastic water indicator.

If a motor is tested while running on muffs, there will be too much water pressure wasted through muff's ears sides and the lower water strainer located undel AV plate, worse if the water pressure isn't strong enough. Better test in a barrel and check if peeing bettered, report your findings..

Check the thermo cond, if extremely salted, rusted, install a new one along thermo gasket.

Happy Boating


Apr 20, 2008
First, I never do just the impeller. A complete wp kit is moderately more expensive, but the result is better pumping and longer life. Since it is the same $100 an hour labor, that's how I generally do that.

The pee tube only shows that the cooling system is pressurized. You may be pumping fine, but as both GA_Boater and Sea Rider mentioned, it is common for crud to get into the pee tube or the nipple or the casting in the motor. As they both said, while running in water, you can push a weed whacker line in there, and that may dislodge a blockage. Likewise, if you have compressed air handy, while running in water, you can blast some air in there to clear a blockage. When working correctly, it should pee like a teenager.

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
To begin with it's importnt to know if the motor was used in fresh or salt water as both are 2 different working scenarios. With salt water motors I've seen cases in which the entire water pump was changed, compressed air, pressurized water blown throuh the powerhead with removed thermo, all kinds of whacker lines, cleaning products were introduced through the external water nipple with 0 avail, the culprit was salt crusts accumulations in the entire water passages which lessens the peeing output dramatically.

Don't poke a whacker line through the metal nipple to which the rubber hose connects to with motor running, will flood the pan along wetting yourself. LOL!!

Happy Boating
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Apr 3, 2016
MattFL yes that is my motor, Sea Rider It is a fresh water boat. After watching the video clip it looks like the motor has never peed at all what i was referring to looks like it is the hole right in the middle of the back of the motor, but in the clip the water comes out of that hole and the the pee hole off to the side i will have to look at mine again when i get home, all of my water only expels from that middle hole and always has? Like i mentioned in a previous post im really new to working on outboards. I will go home and reinspect and see what i can figure out.

Thanks again guys for helping!
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Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
It's quite normal to see water coming out of the larger hole located right in middle of upper middle section, if you place your hand there while the motor is ON warming up for some minutes will feel how the outing water varies its temerature when the thermostat openes and closes as needed. It's an excellent indication of a healthy thermo working spot-on.

If the water port still pees as if having prostate issues once cleaning the internal metal and outter plastic nipples as suggested, go for a hard wot spin and check if now pees as a teenager...

Happy Boating


Apr 3, 2016
so i went home last night and pulled the cover off the motor, sure enough the hose going from engine to the pee nipple was all clogged up with gunk however when i tried to wiggle the hose off the back side of the pee nipple (is it weird i like saying pee nipple?) i broke the nipple off as it was just plastic and extremely brittle in the cold. So once i replace that i can test but im guessing it will work.

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Plastic nipples hardens with use and temp. Install a metal one used on newer 30 HP models..Assume both shares same threaded diams ?

Happy Boating


Apr 3, 2016
Plastic nipples hardens with use and temp. Install a metal one used on newer 30 HP models..Assume both shares same threaded diams ?

Happy Boating

plastic nipples are not the only kind that harden with use and temp lol. Yeah i ordered one, not sure if it is plastic or not all i got was a part number so.... we will see


Apr 3, 2016
Yeah Paul i found one from East Marine, 2 bucks for the nipple 8 bucks to ship lol. I did not want to trouble you with ordering a 2 dollar part. I will wait till i get a better order thanks again! Unless you might have wanted the 8 dollar shipping fee?
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