1992 DT150 Location of steering tube Zerk fitting


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 22, 2005
I just bought a boat with a 93 DT 150. As usual, I bought the factory service manual first thing. Went to lube it prior to putting it in the salt and I cannot, for the life of me, find the Zerk fitting for the main steering tube. I can see Zerks for everything under the planet (the 2 that let out onto the top of the trim rams is cute) but can't find one for the steering tube. I've scoured the manual, looked at the brownspoint diagrams, and stared at the engine for hours and can't find it. The only thing I can figure is that it pulled off of where it should be and it's not there, there is a weird red oring about 3/4ths of the way down the starboard side of the swivel bracket. Maybe that's where a Zerk should go? It doesn't seem to be threaded though. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
