Re: 1992 5HP Trolling too-fast
I've got a 2000 BF5A and have not seen anything in any pamphlets, literature or the owner's manual about a 'half-speed' mode, so I'm assuming what you're asking about only involves later model years. No help there, eh?<br /><br />Like you, my motor really doesn't want to go slow. When I get down to 2.5 mph or so it wants to run rough and then stop (same thing at low idle, wish I could track rpm). <br /><br />The fact it pushes me in a 15' Scanoe might have something to do with it, but I'd like you to get an answer helping you to go slow in case it applies to my case too. Therefore good luck getting responses from the talented folks here, in just my first day reading some of these guys notes sure have shown they're a whole lot smarter 'bout this stuff than I am!