Re: 1992 40 hp Evinrude
The red valve should point "in-line" (or down the length) of the primer solenoid. There were 2 distinctly different ignition systems used in 1992 - what is the model number of your engine?<br /><br />You could start by indexing the flyweel - that is bring #1 to TDC and mark the flywheel at the timing pointer, then bring #2 to TDC and mark the flywheel at the timing pointer. Hook your timing light to #1 plug wire and crank it over. #1 cylinder should fire close to the mark you made on the flywheel. If its way off or if you see a "ghost image" of the other cylinder you could have an ignition or timer magnet problem. Repeat the process by hooking your timing light to #2. Why did you have to rebuild??<br /><br />-John