1991 6HP Evinrude


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 24, 2008
My father-in-law just gave me this motor (Model: E6REIA) which he just bought from someone else. He said it just needed one new part, which he replaced, and it was ready to run. So, I took it out last night. It started fine, but right away I looked to make sure water was been discharged and it wasn't. All that was coming out was a real fine mist along with some smoke, so I shut it down right away. He is pretty good with engines so I figured he knew what he was doing. He mentioned that he had it running in a barrel of water to make sure it was working. I don't know how he couldn't have noticed no water discharge. I wonder how long he ran it.

I'll have to find out from him what part he replaced, but what should I o do next? I would guess I need to replace the impeller, right? What about the water pump, does this motor have a water pump? I checked on this website and none were listed for a 6HP. Is there anything I can check since he possibly ran it without water for awhile?

Is there anything else you would do before running it again? Compression check, spark check or leave this alone because it started ok?

Thanks, Mike


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 24, 2008
Re: 1991 6HP Evinrude

Thanks for the reply, you always offer great help. This forum is a life saver. I'll find a dealer and get the part ordered and while I wait I'll run through the list in the link.

Thanks again!



Seaman Apprentice
Jul 24, 2008
Re: 1991 6HP Evinrude

I talked to my father-in-law last night and he said that the fine mist is normal and the discharge would increase when it is rev'ed up. He said he has an outboard that barely discharges any water when it is idling. Should I try running it again and see what happens, or am I likely to damage the motor even more? I hate to spend the money on the water pump kit if I don't have to.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 19, 2003
Re: 1991 6HP Evinrude

Your motor has a tell-tale or overboard indicator or whatever you wish to call it. The engine outlet is connected directly to the water side of the exhaust cover and should have a steady flow of water. However, the fitting is only 1/8" id and therefore subject to blockage. If you get exhaust out of the tell-tale, you need to replace the exhaust cover seals.

You should be able to keep your fingers on the cylinder head for a full three count anytime the engine is running. If not, get a new water pump impeller and check the thermostat.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 24, 2008
Re: 1991 6HP Evinrude

Thanks for the reply. I'm pretty new to outboards so I'm thinking my next step should be to get the manual for this motor so I know what parts your talking about. The only other outboard I've messed around with is my 67' 20HP Johnson and that looked a lot simpler than this one.

I know the head got pretty hot when I first tried it. I'm not sure I would have been able to keep my hand on it for 3 seconds. I guess I'll have to figure out what's going on.


Feb 26, 2005
Re: 1991 6HP Evinrude

I have the 1992 version of that same outboard. The waterflow indicator under the lower cowl should put out a steady stream of water at all engine speeds, even at a very slow idle. If it does not, it is either plugged or there is a problem with the water pump.

Changing the impeller or entire water pump assembly is quite easy on that outboard, so you should do that, since you do not know when it was replaced.

However, you can try cleaning the indicator's orifice. If it resumes a normal steady stream of water, then water is pumping.

Do not operate your fine outboard without proper water circulation. It would be a shame to ruin what is one of the best small outboards available.