I got this motor about 3 years ago and it was in great condition. This is the first problem I've had with it. I use it throughout the year on average of once or twice a month so it's never in storage.<br /><br />My boat/motor rode out hurrican Rita in Cameron Parish in my brothers shop along with his boat. My motor never went under water, but it did take a beating when the shop collapsed on it. After we cut our boats out of his shop with chainsaws a week later, I took a closer look at the motor and boat. The cowling was pretty scratched up from the shop collapsing on it, but with the cowling off, the motor was fine, no corrosion, etc... <br /><br />About two weeks later i ran the motor to make sure everything was ok and i notice it was shooting alot of water from each side of the back of the boat like the motor had been pushed down, or there was grass caught on the lower unit. Since then i've realized that the problem is that the motor is not reaching it's full RPM at WOT.<br /><br />I've run the motor about 10 or so time now and on at least 3 occasions i've had this problem. I go to take off and the boat will not get on plain because the motor is not reaching it's full RPM at WOT. BUT, the next time I take off, it may run just fine.<br /><br />I've changed following:<br />* both spark plugs<br />* fuel line and primer pump<br />* inline fuel filter<br /><br />I was wondering if it could be a split/cracked reed in the carb?<br /><br />Thanks for any help