1990 force 9.9 impeller problem?


May 9, 2008

I've bought a 1990 Force 9.9 outboard, and one thing I'm concerned about is the impeller. While the water is pumping constantly, it's not squirting/pouring out of the drain hole as on other outboards. It is coming out so low pressure that it basically pours down the leg and isn't shooting out. Is this the way they are, or is the impeller requiring replacement? I've seen some that are bad where it just dribbles, but on this one it is pouring, but less, and less pressure, and comes out the hole and down the leg. Maybe I just didn't seat the ear muffs on well enough, could that have been partly responsible?

Thanks for your help.


Sep 18, 2007
Re: 1990 force 9.9 impeller problem?

I have a 125 Force and on muffs it doesn't put a whole lot of water out the relief holes it just kind of spits a spray, but mostly comes out the exhaust snout at the prop.
Now when in the throttle I get a good spray as the boat picks up speed and levels out! Sprays good all day running, slow down back to sort of a spit.
Anyway have to turn the hose up kinda high to get good water to my 125 on muffs.
If you don't know the history of the impeller I would chnage it to be on the safe side.
It ain't no fun trying to row in rough sea's or waiting for a tow!
Good Luck! Have A Great Day! max!