Re: 1990 Force 150hp, Is it worth buying?
Hi Stang<br />I really don't know all the goods and bads on the 150hp nor on any other Force motor. There are a lot of Force bashers out there. Right now I am not one of them. I only try and veiw the situation from an economic stand point. That is don't buy what you can't sell. If you can make repairs and use the motor long enough to get your money out of it, then it's a good deal. Resale on Force motors is low, they didn't cost much to start with (compared). You do the math 0+0=0. $1,2oo. sound like an astronomical sum to me, concidering I got my last Force 150hp out of a ditch along side the road. It was free, power tilt and all. Now after I find a few more of these rascals I,ll put one together and run it. then I tell you exactly if it is any good or not. My opinion is that folks should ether buy used from a reputable dealer or buy a mounted driveable motor and have it checked buy a qualified outboard marine mechanic.