May 29, 2006
HAD PROBLEM WITH FLAT BALL changed all hoses ,primer bulb ,checked vent, pickup in tank took, out anti siphon valve. flat bulb no more . now have a problem with engine bog's when running at full throttle if, put in neutral & rev engine then back into drive seem to go away for a while then it happens again as long as i due same procedure i can run engine at full throttlei. spoke to a mechanic he stated it is the vr02 pump, the o rings broke or dried out can this be possible est price 545$$ parts & labor any ideas before i spend the money


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: 1990 70HP EVINRUDE

When it begins to bog, squeeze the primer bulb a time or two. If it picks up, the fuel pump side of the VRO is in need of rebuilding. There are two sides to the VRO assembly. A fuel pump side and an oil pump side. If you don't want to spend the big bucks, buy a fuel only pump and premix fuel.
May 29, 2006
Re: 1990 70HP EVINRUDE

tried squeezing primer while boged down a slight inprovement but not every time.is there a sure way to find out if it is fuel pump side or do i have to replace part by part


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 23, 2006
Re: 1990 70HP EVINRUDE

Yes there is a sure way. Remove your current hose and tank from the system. Get a 6 gallon tank and hose, both of which you are sure in perfect condition, and hook them up to motor. Run motor. If problem persists, you know the problem is on your motor.
May 29, 2006
Re: 1990 70HP EVINRUDE

ok tried with portable tank must be my motor any one no how to check vro 2 fuel pump tring to save some $$$$

thanks for all the help


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: 1990 70HP EVINRUDE

One thing to check before you replace the pump is the hose to the pulse limiter. If it loose at the pump or engine or has any pinholes/cuts in it, the pump will not do it's job. They have an updated limiter, too. It has a blue fitting. Also, you can always premix and save some bux on the pump. Just get the fuel only replacement pump. Just so you know your options. They also have rebuild kits for the VRO. The pump itself(Either one) is not hard to install. I'd buy one online(Ebay has them fairly often). There are lots of places to get them ...

http://www.maxrules.com/fixomcvro.html ] Click Here for pumps [/url]


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: 1990 70HP EVINRUDE

The pulse hose goes from the bottom of the pump to the crankcase. The pump gets "Pulses" from the crankcase to operate the diaphram in the pump(Back and Forth action). If there are any leaks in this hose or it's loose, the pump will not operate to it's full potential, especially at high speeds(Demand). It's something to look into before shelling out $500.00. You would really have to pull the pump to inspect it...Here's a couple of pics of my 91' 70 HP. I have done away with the VRO pump and gone to a conventional pump. If you look in the one pic, you will see the brass fitting. That is where the pulse limiter used to be on mine. It just screws into the block. You can see where it goes from the block to the pump. I had to replace mine with this brass nipple for the standard pump. No need for the limiter on the standard pump. The other pic is of the VRO pump itself. Fuel line to carbs is on top(The one disconnected) and the pulse line is on the bottom of the pump, as is the oil line nipple and incoming fuel port. So you can see it's buried in there pretty good.....



Here's some more info on the pumps:

http://continuouswave.com/whaler/reference/VRO.html ] Click Here [/url]
May 29, 2006
Re: 1990 70HP EVINRUDE

pictures are great thanks

if i put in a fuel only pump what wireing do i need & what about brass fitting


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: 1990 70HP EVINRUDE

There will be no wiring involved since you are eliminating the oil side and related warning wiring. You would disconnect the wiring from the existing VRO, remove the oil tank and wiring to it and install the new pump. The VRO replacement fuel only pump should come with a new pulse limiter. You will need the limiter if you use that style pump. Pre-mix from then on. But consider this. I am fond of the old ways of pre-mixing. I 've done it forever and am a bit stubborn to change. You may want to rethink keeping the VRO. They are reliable if you take care of them. I didn't replace my pump because it failed. I replaced it because it was 15 years old and I didn't want any trouble down the road. For me it was simple. No reason to spend the big bux when I'm gonna pre-mix anyway....
May 29, 2006
Re: 1990 70HP EVINRUDE

HEY rick can i contact you when i start checking fuel pump if i have any problems? boat is kept out of state at dads house i only get to use it on some weekends & when on vacation thanks



Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: 1990 70HP EVINRUDE

Just a thought -- are you using an OE (OMC / BRP) primer bulb or an aftermarket one with no check valves?


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 7, 2003
Re: 1990 70HP EVINRUDE

i have an 86 johnson 70 with a vro problem. it starts ok but when i try to plane out up to speed it will not without pressing in the key primer it also smokes pretty good on start up. any help would be greatly appreciated