1989 Suzuki DT85 Loss of power


Jul 1, 2002
The local Suzuki dealer has rebuilt the carbs, changed the fuel line, adjusted and readjusted the carbs, new plugs twice, ran all Suzuki diagnostics again and again, and every time it leave the shop (three) is was "running like a swiss watch." But it doesn't...<br /><br />She always starts right up, no problems getting out of the no wake zone 1200 RPM(5 mins). No problem getting up on plane. However, 25-40 mins into 3/4 throttle, when entering another no wake zone the idle will be very rough, 1k-800. If i give it gas, it will die, but always restart right away. If I message the thriottle, it will hesitate, get back up on plane, but not have nearly the same power or responsivenes. There will be a noticable hollow sound coming from the engine, and the engine will vibrate a little as it strains.<br /><br />Once throttling back down to no wake, I will not be able to give the boat power beyound idle; I limp back to the dock. There will be oil running from under the cowling down the front of the lower unit. It appears as though it may have come out with some force as it looks to have sprayed out some around where the steering arm enters thru the cowling. One mechanic suggested the lower crankcase seal may be shot thus affecting the fuel pump...but another said no.<br /><br />I have lost faith in the Suzuki mechanic. Any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 13, 2002
Re: 1989 Suzuki DT85 Loss of power

Hmm. I don't know about this one. Not experienced in Suzuki's either.. though I've got a 1988 85 hp I need to get going. Your problems sound much like what I was having when I discovered a really bad fuel line was sucking air at the o'ring connections. I'm not sure how a lower crankcase seal should respond but if it is blowing out you should be able to check this with a solution of dishwashing liquid & water (soapy water) sprayed in the suspected area. If it is sucking in you should be able to check this by spraying with starting fluid and noticing a pronounced change in rpm.


Jul 1, 2002
Re: 1989 Suzuki DT85 Loss of power

Thanks Randy.<br /><br />Just found out today that a new mechanic at a new shop was unable to duplicate the problem. He is going to give me a device to attach to the plugs to determine if the problem is electrical...won't know what this is 'till I pick up the boat this afternoon.<br /><br />Since it is a problem that only appears after running for a while it must be hard to diagnose in the shop. Could it be overheating? I have the oil injection with level and flowmeter gauge but it seems to be burning the correct amount per gallon and the alarm has not gone off...I do not have a temperature guage...maybe should install one...? Could the fuel line problem you have mentioned be something that would only appear after some running time?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 27, 2002
Re: 1989 Suzuki DT85 Loss of power

Timo,<br /><br />This is just a thought. I do not claim to be an expert. If I understand correctly. "25-40 minutes at 3/4 throttle" means it ran OK during 3/4 throttle and failed when you slowed down. If it is spark then it would be a coincidence that it failed when you slowed down. You mentioned oil running down the leg. Sounds like a blown gasket allowing exhaust into the cowling. The motor won't run very good on its own exhaust. Like I said, just a guess, but you might try taking the cowling off when it start messing up and see if it helps.