1989 mercury classic 50 rpm question


Apr 22, 2011
I have a 1989 classic 50 I have just purchased and am having some problems with it. When I first bought it it would run over 5000 rpms WOT. In the last two weeks I have noticed it bogs down around 3000 rpms going toward WOT. I have a spark plug wire that is torn and has been repaired and have run seafoam through it to decarb/clean it. This got me to around 4000 rpm but at WOT it continues to bog down. I also notice when running it seems to spit alot of fuel out of the exaust and onto the water. I have it out of the water now and plan on rebuilding both carbs, and the fuel pump does this sound like the right path or should I start looking into the electrical system. I am not super technical with electrical and know to check for spark in the four cyl's but besides that is there something else I could check or a similar problem somebody else has had, possibly switch box or trigger, or coils. Any help would be appreciated and i will also let you know its condition after the carb/fuel pump job Im just waiting for the parts to come in.