Hello All, <br />I've been a lurker for a little while, so hello. I like what I see here, ya'll will probably be seeing alot more of me now that Im out of my shell. First time boat owner. Bought a boat from a member of this forum. I'm not sure what he goes by, but it's a 1975 Bayliner Mutiny. See here: www.geocities.com/gamefishinchiquita It's still needs alot of work on the website, but as my boat, it's a constant work in progress. <br /><br />Anyhow, I have been experiencing some surging with this motor. This is my first boat, a used boat, and in the 8 months I've owned my boat I have never had this problem. 2 weeks ago, after leaving my boat over night at the marina I noticed upon start up my motor, which is a little cold blooded, had trouble maintaining idle. So I swapped out the tanks, and problem solved. later that day I hooked that tank back up, sure enough, same problem except it will maintain idle, but at full throttle, I was only going 11-12 mph. I switched tanks again, problem solved. So I figure it was water in the tank that I left open over night at the marina. I bought a water seperator and hooked it up. Everything seemed to work. But now all the tanks I hooked up to it had this intermitten problem of it surging at full throttle, it idled just fine, but surged at the top end. Some times it would cut out, and sometimes it was fine. Any suggestions????