1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke


Sep 19, 2010
Have '89 Force 125 that has been giving me an education in the month that I've owned it.

Replaced the impeller and rebuilt the upper carb last week and took it to the lake yesterday and somehow managed to lose 3 mph on top end.
I'll back up a bit and say that at times this thing cranks over like the battery is going dead ( which I knew it wasn't ) so I was thinking that I had some timing issues to deal with next.

Didn't know much about rebuilding carbs, and nothing about changing impellers on outboards, but with my shop manual and searching around this site and reading and doing, I'm getting a 'hands on' education.

I took the cover off at the lake yesterday and was staring at the carbs. wondering how I could have LOST power after replacing a bad needle valve when I happened to look up and see that the arm on the trigger, is broken. I would have to guess that the timing has therefore been set by whatever wave we happened across.(or the previous owner since it looks like it has been broke and has tried to be 'rigged' back together for a very long time)

That would probably explain why sometimes it would start easy and sometimes it wouldn't, and sometimes it felt like it was loading up at lower speeds and why at times it was a bear to get to idle or to go from idle to putting it into gear---STALL.

I wire tied it back together temporarily yesterday and got my 3 mph back ( still had the other symptoms though which is understandable since the timing is undoubtedly way off) and was thinking that all I had to do was order me a new plastic arm to attach to the linkage.

Today I learned what a 'trigger' is and I also learned that the broken piece is part of that trigger that costs between 2 and 4 hundred bucks.

Not gonna happen as I am just about ready to rip that motor out by the roots and replace it with a Make that is still in production and trying to find parts for is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

So, if you've made it this far, here are my questions:
Although I have the shop manual, does anyone have any tips as per removing the flywheel?

From what I read on-line, I want to be real careful not to damage the stator ( another thing I've learned as to what it is, and what it does!) if I have to take it off to take the trigger off to fix it.

And, and ideas as to what material to make the replacement arm out of?

Thanks for the replies.


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

The ARM is replaceable.The stator is too.Post a pic of what you broke.
We can get a better idea of what you need.
Fill out the profile.J


Aug 25, 2010
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

if you're talking about what I think you are... mine is broken too, I just glued it, wrapped a zip tie around it, trimmed it up so it was neet, then wrapped it in electrical tape and it's fine. had to take it the whole thing apart to do it though... but it works


Sep 19, 2010
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

From the pictures of the replacement parts that I see on line, the arm appears to be molded to the trigger.
I will include a pic of my broken part once I get it apart.
When I look at the parts list and prints through here, I see the complete high dollar trigger. The part that is broke is the arm with two drilled holes in it.
(attached a pic of a replacement trigger I found on line)

Everhart, yep, I think we are on the same page because I wire tied it at the lake and that held the rest of the day so I'll probably take the route that you did.
It looks like it has been broken and someone else has attempted to repair it in the past.
And then I'll learn how to time one of these things which, since I found a very descriptive thread here, shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Thanks for the input.

Will fill out profile now.


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Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 1, 2010
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

I have the same year motor with one less cylinder (85hp). To get the flywheel off, remove nut, use gearpuller that screws into the holes on the flywheel. #8 screws don't be cheap. Don't use claws. Crank it down. If it doesn't pop, hit it a couple times with impact wench. Still no pop, find a crowbar to put under the flywheel that won't damage the underside. Use thermosdat housing for leverage. Push and hit gearpuller with hammer at the same time. POP!. Then:
Buy a new flywheel key, yours is now toast. Remove stator (easy), then trigger is visible. Keep track of wires before removing. You can glue it with superglue or really good epoxy. Best to degrease and sandblast area first. If you can find small peices of aluminum, screw and glue them to the sides to make it stronger. Don't use steal. Then, grease the trigger where it touches and put back. Install stator, then make sure trigger is nice and loose. IMPORTANT. If it's not loose, shim stator evenly with small washers until trigger moves freely. Put back together. Make sure to clean crankshaft and flywheel with degreaser. If it's at all slippery you'll shear the key. Torque nut to 110lbs. Adjust timing (adjusts on trigger arm) and off you go. Triggers available on e-bay for under $100 for long-term fix.


Sep 19, 2010
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

That is a wealth of information right there. Thanks for it! The trigger moves back and forth freely so that's not a problem. Standing on the ground behind the motor rather than in the boat trying to look up at it, I'm thinking I'm gonna try to rig it back together a little more solid without having to remove the flywheel etc.

You mention wrapping it with metal and as you can see by the picture, previous owner(s) already tried that.
The wire tie is mine.............the metal is not.
Not very much plastic left to work with on either end as far as drilling the sides and putting screws in but I'm tossing around epoxy like you said or maybe pig putty.

I'm with you on your opinion of these make of motors.
Really have no desire to be 50 dollared to death by it.
I got an ok deal on the boat and motor so I'll mess with it for awhile before I hang a reliable one off the back.

You know the BEST thing I did in the month that I've had it???
Mounted a used 50# thrust trolling motor off the front so I ain't banging into any other boats at the launch when the friggin thing won't stay runnin.


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Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 1, 2010
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

Yeah that's broke. You'll have a hard time getting in there with the flywheel on, but if you can go for it. Not sure how much a little play will affect the way it runs. Seems it could be an issue for you. 10 bucks at Harbor Freight gets you a nice gear puller. Just sayin...


Chief Petty Officer
May 25, 2009
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

Take it to a welding shop and have them tack weld it back together for a small fee. Or maybe drill a couple holes and hold it together with a custom bracket. The trigger should move rather freely so you might also be able to use JB weld on it.


Sep 19, 2010
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

Good point. Really can't have any play in it.
I have the gear puller but I figure, the less I take apart, the less chance of breaking something else.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 1, 2010
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

It's cast aluminum if you decide to weld...


Sep 19, 2010
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

No welding.

Gobs of old glue on both broke ends from PO.
I'll figure something out.
Thanks for all the input.


Chief Petty Officer
May 25, 2009
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

Oh the plastic is broken huh...well you'll have to pop the flywheel off to fix it.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 1, 2010
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

I'm pretty sure all the factory ones were aluminum, so you're not the first to be poking around in there. Might be good news for getting that flywheel off eh? Come on Paul! You can do it!


Sep 19, 2010
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

Ya, someone else has been in there and did a half ast job of fixing it as I've said in the above posts.
The paint is off the power head bolts too so someone has been in there too which may be a good thing or a VERY VERY BAD THING.

The broken trigger arm is repaired now!

Stuck the broken ends back together and wrapped a slice of duct tape around them just to keep it in place.

Mixed up some steel reinforced epoxy putty and molded around the whole mess.
Was going to add a small hose clamp over top of the crack area ( the arm is PLASTIC so there was no worry of dissimilar metal corrosion had it been cast aluminum) but there is no need to.
I could lift the motor off with that arm now.

Now I can move on to adjusting the linkage CORRECTLY on the carbs and then figuring out a way to ground the plug wires when I static time the engine and of course, putting the muffs on when I static time it because I ain't taking the chance of mucking up the impeller I just replaced by turning it over dry..............and then theres that trip I need to make to radio shack to get a new rectifier since my tac doesn't work and my battery doesn't charge and there's soldier leaking out of the one that's on there, and if the hoses are leaking gas OUT that run between the carbs because they use those stupid squeeze together clamps, then maybe, just maybe, they're sucking air in............etc etc.

Ordered from them.
I asked them, what's in the carb kit?
They told me to call Mercury if I wanted to know.
I ordered a carb rebuild kit that I got the number from from their drawings and parts lists.
They replaced what I ordered with the updated part number but charged me for both part numbers.
I ordered a needle and seat that their drawings and parts list indicated that my engine required based on YEAR and HP and even SERIAL NUMBER but?

They replaced the needle and seat with just the seat and I'm glad they did because my seat was PRESSED in but? I GOT CHARGED FOR BOTH.

And, when I got to choose my shipping method at the end of my order, I chose PRIORITY MAIL which would have been 4.95????

Hey guess what.
They charged me $8.95

So, just sayin.
Customer service did finally get back to me and say 'sorry' but wow, what a hassle.

I DID get the parts in 4 days even though I chose PRIORITY MAIL. ( I knew that was gonna be the case even though they said like 7 to 14 days for Priority mail)

That was for the carb rebuild, for the water pump rebuild, I went directly to TerraFlex Sierra.
No problems.

Which reminds me, Mr Dibbs, you tear into that lower unit yet????
Come on!!!
Piece of cake!!!!
You can do it!!
Don't let it get the best of you.
Or, $50 you to death


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 1, 2010
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

I'm glad you got it fixed man. Getting 50'd, yes. Once I get it just right it'll snow, which is fine because I'm sure something will fall off after an hour in the water. I'm sure I'll get to tear into the lower unit sooner or later. For now it's behaving.

Grounding plugs - someone posted a picture of a door hinge with three bolts through it. Jumper cable to the hinge (to ground) and plugs on bolts. Brilliant and I will use his idea.


Sep 19, 2010
Re: 1989 Force 125 trigger arm broke

That is a good idea.

I ran a piece of copper ground wire from the top of the engine to the cover latch and then used the cut off ends of my jumper cables that I used the wire from for my trolling motor to attach the plugs and wires to it.

Double checked with an ohm meter to make sure everything was to ground before I even turned the engine over.

Got enough problems!

Gonna learn about starters now it seems.


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