1989 Evinrude VRO question


May 18, 2001
I was told by a local boat mechanic that my VRO pump has failed. He aslo told me it's $1800 to fix and it's a tough job. It seems that my best bet is to disable it, at least from what I've read on here. Is it that much work to fix or disable the thing? $1800 is more than I want to spend since I just bought the boat. Thanks for any input!!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 1989 Evinrude VRO question

Hey, deeno. Disconnect the wires that go to the sensors on the oil tank. That will disable the low oil warning horn. Remove the oil hose where it goes into the VRO pump and plug that inlet. That will prevent it from mixing oil or air into your fuel. Fill 'er up with 50:1 premix. (Fresh 87 octane and premium oil.) End of story. It might take you an hour if you take a 15 minute break every 5 minutes.<br />Bon Voyage.<br />JB


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 11, 2001
Re: 1989 Evinrude VRO question

You'll also need to disconnect the wires coming off the VRO thats on the engine now. If not the alarms will drive you crazy. Should be 3 and you'll find pull apart connectors in each wire. Tape them up and out of the way of the flywheel. This will not effect you heat sensors or the fuel restriction sensor. If you get an alarm after that it's a fuel restriction. If she get's hot you'll have steady alarm then she'll kick down into the S.L.O.W. mode and only run at 2500rpms. To reset it out of the SLOW mode you need to shut the engine off and restart it.<br /><br /> Next thing you do is stay away from that dealer. A new VRO is about 220.00 and maybe 50 bucks labor to install and test. Not 1800.00. He's watching you coming from a long ways off. I still recommend you disconect and run 50 to 1 in that engine.


Apr 22, 2001
Re: 1989 Evinrude VRO question

Dunk/JB,<br /><br />I tried this this weekend on my '91 Evinrude 70hp. The oil sensors wires terminate in pull apart connectors like Dunk suggested, but there one additional Black wire in this group. Should I also disconnect this one as well?<br /><br />From the VRO there is a group of wires that connect into a round barrel-type connector. Should I disconnect this one as well?<br /><br />Thanks for the help!<br />KF<br /><br />------------------<br />Thanks,<br />KF