1989 Black Max 135--randomly stalls


May 7, 2005
Got a rather weird scenario that sounds similiar to others. However, mine is a bit unique which I feel must be posted. I have an 89 Black Max 135. Most of the time it runs fine. However, out of the blue, when idleing, it sounds as if it starts loosing spark(what it feels like) and running rough. When you try to speed up it shakes and then stalls. After, it will fire several times and then after several more attempts it won't even start. If it sits for a while it will fire back up and run great. At times the problem never occurs no matter how hard I run it. This is the second time this has happened in the past 3 weeks and I need some advice on what could cause this erratic behavior. Please Help!


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: 1989 Black Max 135--randomly stalls

Welcome to iboats. :) <br /><br />Your fuel pump may be at fault. That year used check valves that pucker and lose efficiency to where they won't pump fuel at idle. Rebuild kits are cheap and the job is fairly easy. But you have to be careful driving the plastic rivets that hold the checks in place.<br /><br />The originals (like yours) were a thin rubbery material that pucker badly with fuel additives. They changed them and made them thicker, but puckering was not eliminated. Now they use mylar discs that were originally used as a backing for the rubber ones. They seem to work a lot better and are much more tolerant of gasolines these days.


May 7, 2005
Re: 1989 Black Max 135--randomly stalls

Originally posted by WillyBWright:<br /> Welcome to iboats. :) <br /><br />Your fuel pump may be at fault. That year used check valves that pucker and lose efficiency to where they won't pump fuel at idle. Rebuild kits are cheap and the job is fairly easy. But you have to be careful driving the plastic rivets that hold the checks in place.<br /><br />The originals (like yours) were a thin rubbery material that pucker badly with fuel additives. They changed them and made them thicker, but puckering was not eliminated. Now they use mylar discs that were originally used as a backing for the rubber ones. They seem to work a lot better and are much more tolerant of gasolines these days.


May 7, 2005
Re: 1989 Black Max 135--randomly stalls

Thanks for the suggestion and I think you might be right. I also noticed little rainbow type dots on the water while the motor was running. Another post indicated that this is also a sign of a faulty fuel pump. I'll get the fuel pump kit and give it a try. Thanks for the response!


May 7, 2005
Re: 1989 Black Max 135--randomly stalls

Just took the pump off and apart. The membranes looked ok but were definitely bubbled. The round rubber parts held in with the plastic pins were torn at the passages through the housing. Are these the important part of the pump? What effect on performance would the tearing have on these parts have? Any ideas on how to get the plastic retainers out? I tried gently tappng but that did not work.<br /><br />Thanks for all the help!


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: 1989 Black Max 135--randomly stalls

You need a small pinlike device to push the middle back thru the rivet. If you look in the kit, you'll see what they look like undone. You can also just push it all the way thru, but I like having back-ups in case a new one breaks. They aren't available separately. The round things are the check valves. If they leak, they don't check so well and pump performance drops dramatically.


May 7, 2005
Re: 1989 Black Max 135--randomly stalls

OK. Rebuilt the fuel pump and all works well. funny thing happened--the problem came back. I started thinking about what I did every time it stalled and it dawned on me--removed the cover off the engine. I did it this time for kicks and grins and what do ya' know. It worked--in fact it ran extremely well. Now for the big question--why does removing the cover seem to fix the problem? Is it lack of air--if so, why did this just start happening? Lotta questions just hope there is somebody out there that can help.<br /><br />Thanks in advance!