1989 50 force overheat


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 25, 2007
i have a 89 50 hp force, its been running great until recently. i took it out for a full power trial last week and she over heated, i got it in and replaced the impeller, after going out again it did the same thing, this time i replaced the thermo. (was stuck closed) also some wires that melted when it overheated (this overheat took out the head gasket so i replaced that as well). when i test ran it still had the norm discharge but got hot, i took off the thermostat housing with it running and there was nothing but smoke. the other problem is the start solenoid, it keeps blowing them out since i ran a new wire harness to the console, everything checks out on the wires, i recently restored everything! help!

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: 1989 50 force overheat

Are you sure that the brass water tube inside the leg is fully inserted into the water pump adapter fitting? It is possible to jam it into the side and still get water but not enough to properly cool the engine. Check to make sure the water tube is not kinked or crushed, restricting water delivery.


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 25, 2007
Re: 1989 50 force overheat

thats very possible, i had a rough time getting the leg back up, i'll drop it tommorow and take a look, thank you!


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 25, 2007
Re: 1989 50 force overheat

i dropped the leg and checked the tube, it looks great i checked the impeller and everything looks good. i made sure it went up straight, after running it the discharge is great but nothing to the head still, i cracked open the housing and the thermostat is opening good and i even ran it with the thermostat and housing off, not a drop of water. i'm clueless at this point


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 25, 2007
Re: 1989 50 force overheat

is the copper water tube supposed to come off with the lower unit??? it did and i'm begining to believe its not supposed to, the book does not specify at all.

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: 1989 50 force overheat

AHHH! The tube is supposed to stay in the leg. If it comes out of the leg, it's damn near impossible to get it back on while re-installing the lower unit. If you can look up there with a flashlight, you will see where it goes. there is usually a rubber grommet that it goes into. I recommend you remove it from the lower unit, replace it in the leg and then re-install the lower unit


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 25, 2007
Re: 1989 50 force overheat

before you said that i got it in, i got a light and found the hole, but it wouldnt stay up when putting the lower unit on, so i took a piece of rubber and hot glue to hold the tube temp. and got it together, started it up with the thermostat housing off and it shot water in my face! took her for a spin and had better results than ever. apperantly it was never seated right for the year ive had it, last year i ran wot and she sluged back, only letting me make 4200 rpms, now im making 5600 and the boat is hitting 36 knots!! thank you for the help!! i hope this helps some one else, im not a force man, spend my time on johnson/evinrudeand hondas thanks again