You might get nicer responces from greenhulk old school yamaha forum. I think that was the predecesor to my old school 1992, 650 wave 111. Mine still runs like its new. All 45mph of it. Alot of folks start off with that and progress to more hp. Im 47 yo and am happy with my 650. If it runs have fun!
typically the "flush" hose conection wold be near the water hose on the head (or spliced into that line). If there isn't a conection you can buy a kit (or make one--I've done that on alot of skis).
I have the perfect instructional video on how to rinse your engine
hope the link works
well it works but you have to watch a stupid mcdog doo commercial first,, I hate McDonald's cardboard burgers,, actually those guys probably have brain rot from eating some of those burgers.