1988 Merc 135hpV6 Oil injector and annoying alarms

Apr 23, 2002
I am new to this forum but I have been reading a lot about people who have had oil injector problems and have disabled the injector - preferring to mix the oil with fuel manually.<br />For 2 (limited use) seasons I have had a problem while boating - from time to time the alarm/horn sounds at random - sometimes a fast beep, beep, beep, beep - continuously... sometimes a steady (but very loud) beeeeeeeeeep. What do both of these mean (I assume either low oil or no oil getting into the fuel mix)? How does the float (located within the fill cap of my engine reservoir oil tank) transmit the signal to the alarm? It doesn't appear that either of my tanks are low on oil but that **** alarm keeps going off. Sometimes I drive through it until it stops beeping but I am growing tired of the annoyance. Can anyone offer a suggestion?<br />Also - maybe related - the engine runs very 'weak' (for lack of a better word) for the first 10-20 minutes of every trip I take. At full throttle it won't get up to planing speed. And then - all of a sudden - it kicks in - and makes the jump to light speed. Usually for the rest of the boating day it is fine after it "kicks in" - Does anyone have a suggestion about this problem and if it may be related to my oil pump predicament? Thanks for any advice.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 23, 2001
Re: 1988 Merc 135hpV6 Oil injector and annoying alarms

stripping, I see at least 3 separate issues with your motor....overheating, drivability,some wiring to FINISH disabling the oil injection...perhaps some professional help? Hate to see you toast a motor....
Apr 23, 2002
Re: 1988 Merc 135hpV6 Oil injector and annoying alarms

Thanks for the reply - but can anyone offer additional help here? I do not want to disable the oil injector pump if it is not necessary - why would it be there in the first place? - I would also like to LEARN about what is actually happening here when I encounter the symptoms that I descibed so that I can start diagnosing problems and repairing them myself. If I am on the cusp of "toasting my motor" - what can I do to prevent this and what should I look out for if a toasting is iminent? I am getting ready to re-attach my batteries and water test the boat/motor this weekend and I would like to know if there is a potential hazzard here. Any additional support would be appreciated.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: 1988 Merc 135hpV6 Oil injector and annoying alarms

That beep beep beep is the oil injection alarm and the long continious beep is the overheat alarm. Get the motor checked! How old is your waterpump impellar???? Your oil lines could have sludge in them too. If you run out of oil or the injector stops functioning you will encounter more speed due to a lean condition in the system. You will be running straight gas w/o oil. Get it serviced or get a manual and service/troubleshoot it.<br /><br />Bob
Apr 23, 2002
Re: 1988 Merc 135hpV6 Oil injector and annoying alarms

Thanks Bob - I have the service manual but to a relative beginner it's like reading a foreign language. I love tinkering with these things myself so before I use my last resort and take it to the 'not so friendly or helpful' wrench down the road I would like to see if I can solve these problems. And if I do have to bring it for service - I want to know exactly what to tell this guy to check/fix.<br />I bought the boat/engine used 2 years ago and I have no idea about the age of the water pump and/or impellar. Is this something that the average handyman can repair in the yard?<br />I have plenty of oil in the tanks - and sure enough after running for several minutes, the alarms stop sounding. If there was a real threat here, wouldn't the alarms never stop?<br />Also - If the oil is not being pumped adequately and the mix as you say is too lean - why would the motor be slow and sluggish initially and then after several minutes of running - finally kick in to normal speed? Wouldn't straight gas cause the reverse to happen (high speed high rpm)<br />Is there a test to see if the oil is pumping properly to and from the reserve tank in the center console?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 22, 2001
Re: 1988 Merc 135hpV6 Oil injector and annoying alarms

hi there well ihave a 200hp89 merc that *** had oil injection that failed*** cooked a power head and now choose to mix ..........just rather be safe then sorry errrrr or pay dearly later


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 22, 2001
Re: 1988 Merc 135hpV6 Oil injector and annoying alarms

ooops hi again you should replace your impellar as you just bought the boat 2 yrs ago and don't know the history . my rule of thumb is replace every 2nd season or if you get into some sand .............


Rear Admiral
Jul 9, 2001
Re: 1988 Merc 135hpV6 Oil injector and annoying alarms

If you are going to do it your self, you need OEM <br />service manual,it has list of test equipment, trouble shooting guide, wiring diaghram, and color chart.


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 24, 2002
Re: 1988 Merc 135hpV6 Oil injector and annoying alarms

Had twin 200 mercurys. I had two remote oil tanks. The beeping warn horn is definetly a oil problem. The stead beep is a water problem normally impeller needs to be changed. One problem I had with the oil system was the remote tank was empty and the gauge on the dash showed full, this was due to float & sensor in remote tank had gone bad. The tank on the motor holds appro. 30 miunte of oil. When the alarm sounds take the cap off the engine tank and turn it upside down and see if the warning horn stops beep. Only remove this cap with engine off. You make just need new cap some time they develop a crack that you can not see and this results in air in the system. Air in the system make it malfunction. I have also had a oil plug go bad. I don't know the proper name for this oil plug, it looks like a 1/2 inch nut with brass tube thru it, $15.00 part, they got bad and cause oil flow problems. I would check all these items before I run the engine again. Happy boating.
Apr 23, 2002
Re: 1988 Merc 135hpV6 Oil injector and annoying alarms

Thanks - all great pieces of advise.<br />Is it difficult to change the impeller myself and what things should I beware of?