1987 suzuki dt40 won't run at wot


Sep 22, 2002
i have a 1987 suzuki dt 40 that wants to die after running about 15 sec. at wot. it acts like its running out of gas. if i back off the throtle alittle it will run fine. i cleaned the carb. rebuilt the fuel pump and checked all the fuel line. other then that the motor runs great. one other thing. i was looking for a engine cover for this motor. still am. jb, did you get a chance to ask your friend if he had one? thanks...

jim dozier

Lieutenant Commander
Jan 8, 2003
Re: 1987 suzuki dt40 won't run at wot

Try pumping the fuel bulb when it starts to die and see if it picks up. If so you have a problem either in the fuel lines or the fuel pump. Try choking it when it starts to die and see if it picks up. If so then you have a problem with the carbs. Did you remove the carbs and do a thorough cleaning/rebuild or just clean the outside or the throat with spray carb cleaner? Check the vent on the gas tank to see if its open (portable tank) or clogged (permanent tank). If the carb was clean and the fuel lines OK and the fuel pump working it would not do this.