ok i have a 1987 johnson 70. There are several problems with it. First of all there is a horn that sounds whenever we go fast. it stays on for about 5-10 mins, steady when the key is on. i have felt the heads when it goes off and its not really hot. i have also disconnected the brownwire coming out of the block and the horn stopped. <br />second, the motor cranks realllllllllly slow, sometimes. i have a brand new batt. i took the batt home put it on charge and the charger said it had a full charge.<br />Lastly there is a oil leak which squirts oil from the bottom of the black carbureator cover. i want to disconnect the oil tank and mix the gas . what do i have to do to do this>? also the 2 wires on the oil tank are disconnected should they be connected??<br />any help would be gladly appreciated.