1987 Johnson 4hp


Aug 30, 2014
Hi everyone. This is my first post on the forum. I've been working to clean up and make usable an old flat bottom aluminum boat (10 foot I believe) that's been behind my dad's shed for the past 15 years and probably spent the 20 years before that behind the friend's shed that he got it from! The boat floats - and that's about all I can say for it. I took it out one afternoon with my dad and my son and there was a small leak which appeared to come from a seat rivet but we only accumulated about 1/2 cup water after probably 3 hours on the water. I tried tightening the rivet and I'll check on it the next time we go out.

Yesterday I acquired a 1987 Johnson 4HP motor (model BJ4RCUD). I couldn't beat the deal I got on it - 20 minute drive worth of gas. The previous owner said it worked when they put it away a few years ago but they hadn't touched it since. I tried starting it up this morning and to my amazement it started fairly easily. The motor came with no manual and I haven't touched a boat motor period since I was a kid and my dad did whatever maintenance was required on what I believe was a 70's vintage 5hp Johnson. I tried searching the internet and was unable to find a manual for the motor I just got. The Evinrude site only goes back to engines from the mid 90's and provides a link to a vendor that sells the manual for about $35.

If anyone is familiar with the engine could they just post some of the basics of the engine and maybe what is required for maintenance on it? Is this a fairly decent motor? Any info on it would be greatly appreciated.

As soon as I replace the wood on the transom I'll get the motor mounted and test it on the water.

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Master Chief Petty Officer
Dec 5, 2007
Right here on iBoats under Parts & Accessories you can get a manual that covers your motor. Probably all you'll need to worry about is the water pump and spark plugs. The impeller needs to be changed every few years. Make sure you have the correct plugs, they really do make a difference and previous owner(s) will usually have put in whatever they had on hand (lawnmower, weedwhacker, motorcycle, etc).