We recently bought a 1987 bayliner. we took it out easter and it ran great no issues until the end of the day when it didnt want to go into nuetral and we broke the shifter. We then replaced the shifter and the nuetral cut out switch and went back out the following weekend. the shifting was fixed but as the day went on it started having issues. You would go to put it in gear and it would stall. Then you would have to go thru this very long process of easing it forward while it was sputtering and it would catch there then you would ease it forward more and eventuially it would go. and sometimes it would just go then youd be cruising along and it would choke out again. We brought it home did some research. diconnected the ESA module and it seemed to fix it so we got a new one. We took it to the lake dropped it in the water it ran great for about an hour then it started again. Now it wont get over probably 15 MPH ( dont know exactly as the speedometer doesnt work) but never the less embarrassingly slow and if you try to go any faster it stalls. I am at a loss. I know it has the ability to be awesome as it ran so well the first day. We have conflicting views over here at my house. A friend says it must be something in the shifting because it ran good before. but the act of shifting is easy. Its the response that stinks! I feel like this must be some sort of fuel/ carb problem. CAN ANYONE HELP??? Also sometimes the smell of gas is very strong!